Women can have different health problems in the different stages of their lifetime. It is important to be able to discuss these issues in a caring and confidential environment.
Gynaecological Services
Contraception advice
The Pill​
Copper IUCD
Depo Provera
Period problems - Managing Irregular, painful, heavy periods or lack of periods
Medical treatment​
Hysteroscopic assesment
Ovarian Cysts and pelvic masses
Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS)
Post-menopausal Bleeding
Pelvic pain & Endometriosis
Painful intercourse & Sexual dysfunction
​Sexual Transmitted Infections diagnoses and treatment
Gynaecology cancer care and after care
Adolescent Gynaecology
Vulval/vaginal skin conditions: pain, itch, burn.
Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD/PMS
In Room Procedures
Pelvic Ultrasounds
Colposcopic evaluation of cervical abnormalities
Cervical, Endometrial & Vulva Biopsies
Implanon & HRT Implants
Saline injection sonohysterogram
Intrauterine Insemination
Prolapse pessary fitting
Gynaecological Surgery
Hysterectomy- Mostly Total laparoscopically Hysterectomy (key hole), if indicated abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy.
Myomectomy - Laparascopic route preferred, open surgery if indicated.
Novasure Endometrial Ablation to treat heavy periods.
LLETZ and Cone Biopsy to treat abnormal pap smears.
Prolapse Surgery - Anterior & posterior repairs, perineoplasty, Sacrohysteropexy, sacrospinious colpopexy, Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy.
Incontinence surgery: Retro-pubic & trans-obturator slings and bladder Botox and cystoscopy.
Hysteroscopic ressection of Polyps, Fibroids, Uterine Septums.
Laparoscopic removal of Endometrioses, Ovarian Cyst, Large ovarian masses.
Permanent contraception - Tubal ligation or female sterilisation
Tubal reversal: laparoscopic or open.