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About Dr Harrie Swanepoel

FRANZCOG, MMED (O&G) (Pret), FCOG (SA), MBChB (Pret)

Meet Dr Harrie Swanepoel

Dr Harrie Swanepoel is an experienced Bundaberg based specialist and

private gynaecologist and a fellow of the Royal Australian and New

Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.


His philosophy is one of active listening, careful assessment, clear explanation

and involving working with you to reach the best solution for your particular



He is passionate about high quality care and sensitivity in women’s health. 


Harrie has been working in Obstetrics & Gynaecolgy for more than 20 years.


He is ably supported by Sandra and Ami. Together we aim to provide a

personal, professional and caring environment.


Dr Harrie Swanepoel was born in Pretoria, South Africa and grew up in a farming town in Eastern Transvaal (MPumalanga) before his family moved to Windhoek Namibia (north of South Africa) where he completed his high school. He was called up and completed his compulsory, community service in the form of 2 years military service and finished as a 2 Lieutenant in the School of Armour in Bloemfontein and later Zeerust. He studied Medicine at the University of Pretoria in South Africa and obtained his MBchB degree in 1996. During his internship year he soon realised his interest and passion in surgery and women’s health and completed his post graduate specialist training as an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at the University of Pretoria South Africa(MMED O&G, FCOG(SA)) in some of the busiest hospitals in Africa in 2003. He has received post graduate training in Belgium, France, Germany and Australia.


The Swanepoel family immigrated to Australia in 2007 and are very fortunate and thankful to call Bundaberg home since then. Dr Swanepoel started to work in Australia at the Bundaberg Base Hospital and served as the Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for several years before moving to the private sector. He was a  trainee supervisor for post graduate FRANZCOG trainees and were also involved in teaching medical students and gynaecology colleagues. He was awarded the Australian and New Zealand Fellowship (FRANZCOG) degree in 2008.


Dr Swanepoel provides a comprehensive service in all areas of gynaecology, infertility and women’s health and limited care in obstetrics up to 20 weeks gestation.


He performs surgery at the Mater and Friendly Society Private Hospitals in town.


His special interests are:



Specialising in total laparoscopic (keyhole) hysterectomies(TLH). Dr Swanepoel was involved in performing the first TLH in Bundaberg.


Risk reducing surgery in the case of breast cancer or familial cancer risk (removing of ovaries or hysterectomy).



Laparoscopic assessment and treatment for endometriosis and other causes of pain.



Pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence are a common and debilitating condition. Dr Swanepoel is a member of the UroGynaecological Society of Australasia and offers several minimal invasive treatment options from medical, physiotherapy and surgery.



Dr Swanepoel established the Urodynamic unit for assessing female urinary incontinent at the Mater Hospital in Bundaberg. Patients do not need to travel to have this basic test anymore and can have it here in Bundaberg. His team do their upmost best to make this as comfortable as possible.



Dr Swanepoel has many years of assessing and offering surgical treatment for infertility eg. endometriosis. He also offers intra-uterine insemination. He is a member of the American society for reproductive medicine as well as the Fertility Society of Australia. 



Dr Swanepoel offers advise on all contraception options from non-medical to all different hormone containing types like: The pill, vaginal ring, Depo (injectable contraception), Implanon (implant/the rod), Mirena (IUCD) and permanent female contraception like Tubal Ligation or removal of both tubes.



Dr Swanepoel is an accredited colposcopist and member of the Australian Society for Colposcopy and Cervical pathology and offers diagnostic as well as surgical solutions for abnormal Pap smear.



One of the most common presentations to a gynaecologist are caused by hormone imbalances, fibroids, adenomyosis and infections.

Depending on the cause Dr Swanepoel offers extensive treatment options from hormonal, non-hormonal treatment, Mirena, Novasure endometrial ablation, hysteroscopic resection of fibroids, endometrial polyps to all types of hysterectomies, abdominal, vagina and prefers the laparoscopic route.



Dr Swanepoel is an accredited ultrasound (NATA) provider and specialises in intravaginal pelvic ultrasound to assess the uterus, endometrium, ovaries and tubes, ultrasound monitoring of ovarian follicle development and endometrial growth during infertility treatment.

Having a high quality ultrasound service in house means patients can have a one stop visit in most cases.



Dr Swanepoel is a member of the Australasian Menopause Society and offers advice and treatment on this often challenging time in a women’s life. Many patients are misinformed on treatment options and suffer unnecessarily.





Dr Swanepoel offers obstetric care only till 20 weeks of gestation. This includes pre pregnancy advice visits, emergency obstetric care in early pregnancy like the management of ectopic pregnancy and early miscarriages, with either medical or surgical options to choose from. Dr Swanepoel will advise patients on the different models of care options for late pregnancy care.



Dr Swanepoel offers amniocentesis for a range of indications.



While studying medicine he met his best friend and married her. Zunelle is a Senior Physiotherapist with a special interest in pelvic floor dysfunction for males and females. Harrie is a father of 2 lovely children. 

In his spare time Harrie loves spending time with his family, "Biking", and watching or playing sport from rugby union to a newly forced interest in soccer. He loves the outdoors, camping and everything 4x4.


Harrie had the experience of, and exposure, to treat women in different countries and cultures. This makes him extremely understanding of the specific needs of individual women.


He will be looking forward to caring for you, with all your women’s health concerns in a dignified and respectful manner.

Welcome to our practice


By combining years of clinical experience with a deep compassion for womens health Dr Swanepoel has created a welcoming environment where patients can feel at ease even during difficult medical situations.

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